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7 Ideas to Make Your Kitchen More Inviting

January 23, 2017

These small changes will help to make your kitchen a more alluring place to be 16001529 40039685 0 14132929 500

You spend a surprisingly large portion of your day in the kitchen. According to the Canadian government, on average an individual dedicates nearly two hours or more on meal preparation, eating and cleaning. For that reason alone, it's worth making sure your kitchen is an enjoyable, comfortable place to be.

By making a few small changes, however, you can make your kitchen even more inviting. That way, the space becomes more than just a place to whip up dinner and do the dishes, but instead it transforms into a dynamic and attractive place to be. Consider these simple ideas that could help revolutionize your kitchen:

1. Prioritise seating
If you want your kitchen to be a nice place to spend time, having a pleasant spot to take a load off is essential. As Apartment Therapy pointed out, it makes sense to center seating around a central piece of furniture, usually a place to enjoy a meal.

Even if space is limited, you can still give your kitchen a bit of depth. Use an island or small table to expand counter space, and select a few barstools or chairs. This way your family can happily grab a healthy breakfast or catch-up over a mid-afternoon snack. Adding a bit of seating also makes your kitchen a good spot for treating guests to a homemade cocktail.

Stools give your family and friends new places to relax in the kitchen.Stools give your family and friends new places to relax in the kitchen.

2. Bring in some colour
One of the easiest – and most cost-effective – means of adding a splash of personality to any space is by installing a bit of chromatic flair. A fresh paint job gives your kitchen a new sense of character, even if you just opt to add colour to one wall.

There are plenty of other ways to give your kitchen some vibrance. Decorative towels and ornamental pieces are great ways to infuse color and sensibility, while wall art can serve as a focal point of your design scheme.

3. Consider lighting
As you ponder bringing in some colour to your kitchen, you need to also review the lighting. It may be the case that looking for opportunities to brighten up the space will work just as well as adding a bit of colouring.

Natural light is an interesting resource. On the one hand, you can pair early morning sunshine or a setting sun with light hues that reinforce an almost angelic vibe. But you may also find that richer patterns clash with lighting in an exciting and bold way. In either case, this will work to make your kitchen more interesting and unique, which in turn creates a more memorable and inviting vibe.

4. Find ways to reduce clutter found that while clean, open spaces are appealing, cluttered countertops and messy kitchen tables are rather off-putting. Luckily, this is an easy and straightforward problem to address.

"Consider ways to increase the amount of useable space."

First, find ways to get organized. Clean up old junk mail, sticky notes and other items that may be pilling up. Reduce the number of framed photos or other decorative pieces to create a calmer atmosphere, and make sure your family is on board with the expectation of staying organized.

Next, consider ways to increase the amount of useable space. Hanging pots and pans overhead can be efficient and stylish but aesthetically crowded. Instead, try a magnetic knife strip to give your kitchen a level of visual depth while improving physically accessible areas.

5. Go natural
Making your kitchen more inviting means that aside from being clean and relaxing, it should also have a sense of soul. A few well-placed plants is an excellent way to make this space more cozy without sacrificing modernity. 

There are dozens of plants that are low-maintenance, meaning you need not worry about your decorative flair dying. In fact, many types of herbs are rather hardy. That way you can benefit both your kitchen's overall vibe and your culinary explorations.

6. Keep things clean
There are dozens of different steps you can take to make your kitchen more inviting, but without proper upkeep, this quickly falls apart. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, keeping things spick-and-span is crucial for maintaining a comfortable atmosphere, beyond just tidying up. 

7. Bring in something new
Perhaps what your space needs most is an upgrade to an existing fixture or appliance. The right kitchen sink or faucet might be enough to give your kitchen an arresting new appeal. Kitchen & Bath Classics is a homeowner-friendly wholesale showroom designed and operated by Wolseley and has options for any sensibility.

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